Monday, November 7, 2011

Hey There Blog

I actually have a very reasonable explanation as to why I've disappeared from this blog for seven months. Would you like to take a guess at which explanation is true? Plausible scenario 1: I moved to an Indian reservation to get in touch with my inner spirit and mother nature. There was no such thing as the internet there. Plausible scenario 2: My right hand got smashed in an elevator door so I haven't been able to use a keyboard free of pain until now. Plausible scenario 3: I forgot my password to my blog and didn't realize until last week how to reset it because I have the deductive reasoning skills of a six year old, or Plausible scenario 4: I've been busy (and stuff).
I actually tricked you, because two of these are the both the right answer. Yes yes, NOT ONLY did I spend my entire summer and autumn on an Indian reservation but I ALSO smashed my hand in an elevator while I was there. (Don't scoff. Wigwams are high-tech these days.)
In all honesty, I sincerely apologize for being absent. This isn't an apology to the mere three followers that I have, as much as it's an apology to my blog itself.  I left the poor little pretty thing here in cyberspace for seven months to collect dust. How neglectful of me. HOWEVER- I've decided to take up the reigns of blogging once again, in the hopes that I can make it more of a daily hobby. I also feel that I need some sort of creative outlet, since I'm refraining from NaNoWriMo festivities this year. I had sincerely hoped to complete the challenge (it's actually on my bucket list!) but came to terms with myself that this was in fact, not the year in which I would be doing so. Too many exams, papers, and rehearsals to manage. But this month's not all bad, busy stuff. In two weeks I'll be flying home to Indiana to visit my family and friends and then I'm off to New York for birthday/Thanksgiving shenanigans and what not. November's always such a fun yet hectic month. The worst time for NaNo in my opinion :(
But alas, this blog post just serves to get me started again! I plan on covering a multitude of topics here; from opinions, film or book reviews, lists, exciting facts, daily adventures, and sometimes just my stream of consciousness. Best wishes! xxGrace

1 comment:

  1. I'm just as guilty for not telling you to reset your password.

    Also, I know what you mean about the shotty wigwam elevators. You'd think that since they introduced the state-of-the-art moving walkways, they'd spruce up the lift every so often.
